Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 50 & 51: HiFi Comic Color

So I've decided to work through the Hi-Fi Color for Comics book. I sat through a demo at Comic Con for Hi-Fi Design (a well known comic colorization studio). I picked up their book which teaches their techniques on computer colorization. This first page took quite a while to "flat". Flatting is the process of taking line art and laying down simple colors. All color comic pages start out at this level before more colors are layered on top of the flats to create a 3-D look. The author said that an average page takes about an hour to flat... hmmm I took nearly 2 1/2 but I did start to get faster as the night went on. I'm starting to memorize and apply a ton of tool bar shortcut keys which will help me speed up.

Here is the finished flat and the color version. In future posts I'll either show my work in progress or wait a few days until the work is complete...


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